About Me

I am originally from Miami, Florida, where I grew up with four brothers and many pets. In Miami, my passion for music, art and writing bloomed. It was also where I gained a curiosity for human anatomy and the diseases that afflict our bodies. I studied Chemistry and Spanish at the University of Florida in Gainesville. While I was there, I had an incredible opportunity to work in a research lab studying herpesviruses. That experience solidified my interest in virology.

I moved to Chapel Hill, North Carolina to study mosquito-borne viruses. After five and a half years, I gained a Ph.D in Microbiology and Immunology. I ultimately chose a postdoctoral research position studying influenza virus. My research uses ‘wet lab’ techniques like microscopy and computational methods to understand how the influenza virus genome is packaged into virus particles.

In 2015, in the middle of graduate school, I decided to write my first novel. It wouldn’t be my first attempt at something so grand, but it was my first serious endeavor. The road has been long, but I’m so eager to share my creation with the world. In the meantime I’ve traveled widely and experienced immense personal growth, which has shaped the direction of my novel.

My journey has only just begun. I’m glad you’re here for it.